2025 Annual Meeting - Monday January 20th
Maui Meadows Neighborhood Association (MMNA) January 20, 2025 Annual Meeting Program
Kūlanihākoʻi High School Dining Hall, Building D
Pre-Meeting Gathering (doors open 5:30)
Mix & Mingle with neighbors and guest speakers
Light Refreshments
6:00 pm Meeting Call To Order by Board President, Caleb Harper
MMNA President Annual Report and Introduction of Board Members
6:15 pm (or sooner) Topic and Speaker Lineup
Topic: South Maui Development
Lucienne de Naie
Topic: South Maui Community Plan
Doug Ballard
Topic: Civil Engineer
David Whitney
Topic: Fire prevention
Nicholas Tanaka
8:15 Board Election- A regular meeting of members shall be held in January of each year...for the purpose of electing directors. There are three vacancies on the board of directors.
The following are candidates for those vacancies:
Jim van Blarigan
Dawn Neway
If you wish to be a candidate for the board of directors of the MMNA you must be a member of the Maui Meadows Neighborhood Association. The qualifications for membership are as follow: You must be a resident of Maui Meadows (owner or renter) and you must be current in your annual dues payment of $30: https://www.mauimeadowsna.com/join If you are interested in nominating yourself to be a candidate for the MMNA board of directors, please email your name, phone number and Maui Meadows' address to: mauimeadowsna.com. Nominations will also be accepted at the annual meeting.
8:30 Adjournment